yonex nanoray 20 badminton racket set

yonex nanoray 20 badminton racket set

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The racket is arguably the most essential slice of equipment for a badminton player. While the court, shuttles and playing conditions are shared by all players involved in a badminton lucifer, the racket is fully inside the command of the thespian. The racket is normally viewed as an extension of a thespian'southward arm. As such, it should complement a role player's mode and level.

Whether you lot gravitate towards pummeling your opponents with a flurry of powerful smashes or outpacing your foes with speedy exchanges of command and precision, a noise should work for you and not the other way around. When chosen properly, a noise can exist your greatest ally on court, while carelessly settling for a racket can turn information technology into your biggest enemy. Larn about the different backdrop of badminton rackets below to discover which dissonance is best suited for you!

Category Recommended Product(s)
Writer's Selection Nanoray Z-Speed Acquire More
Best Value Nanoray Speed Learn More
Best for Beginner Players Nanoray 10F Acquire More
Best for Intermediate Players Nanoray 750 Learn More
Best for Advanced Players Nanoray 900 Learn More

Racket Serial

Dissonance Series Make Signature Trait Post
Astrox Yonex Steep Assail Link
Duora Yonex Dual Touch on Link
Nanoflare Yonex Rapid Burn Link
Nanoray Yonex Lightning Speed Link
Voltric Yonex Burdensome Power Link
Auraspeed Victor Speed Link

If you're interested in other badminton products, I highly recommend checking out our Badminton Equipment page where nosotros gathered all of our product posts in one easy place for y'all to access so that you can make an informed decision earlier any purchase.

Racket Properties


The balance of a racket is adamant by finding the position on the shaft in which the racket remains stable and completely parallel to the ground. The distance between the base of operations of the handle to this position on the shaft is chosen the residuum betoken. The residue point is used to categorize the residue of a dissonance. Agreement the traits of different balances will allow you lot to select a racket that boosts your gameplay.

Balance Point Balance
> 295mm Head-Heavy
285 – 295mm Even Balanced
< 285mm Caput-Light


A head-heavy racket has a rest point that is over 295mm. They are suitable for players who favor an attacking mode of play. Players who are nail-happy, enjoy powerful shots or adopt the dorsum-court tin can benefit from choosing head-heavy rackets, as it adds extra force backside their shots.

However, with bully ability comes decreased noise movement. Since the weight is full-bodied at the head of the racket, information technology becomes more difficult for the player to swing the racket head quickly. Therefore, those who use head-heavy rackets may detect it difficult to react to fast shots or play a solid defensive game.

As the control of head-heavy rackets takes more effort and do to master, these rackets are recommended for experienced players vs. beginners. Beginners who lack the experience to manage head-heavy rackets can suffer shoulder injuries from misusage or apply stress to the wrist from attempting quick drives or defensive shots.

Pros: Generates powerful shots
Cons: Decreased racket treatment, Increased risk of injury if misused
Recommended for: Attacking players, Back-court play


Head-lite rackets observe a balance signal typically beneath 285mm. With head-low-cal rackets, speed is the proper name of the game. The lighter frame gives players the ability to steer the noise to their volition with more ease. These rackets are characterized every bit beingness superior at executing shots at the net, blocking smashes, controlling the shuttle and enabling players to have quicker reaction times.

Players who enjoy games filled with fast bulldoze exchanges and speedy rallies should await into playing with a head-light racket. Head-low-cal rackets are suggested for doubles games, defensive game play and front-court players. While caput-light rackets enable players with slap-up speed of the racket, they give up power in substitution for it. With less mass at the frame, head-light rackets accept less momentum transferred from the swing to the shuttle, making information technology more difficult to produce explosive shots.

Pros: Greater control of the racket, Improves reaction speed
Cons: Decreased explosive power
Recommended for: Defensive and doubles players, Front-court and fast-paced play

Even Balanced

Even balanced rackets can be viewed equally Jack of all Trades, as they are able to adequately execute all of the unlike shots. The balance indicate for even counterbalanced rackets accept a length between the range of 285-295mm. An even counterbalanced racket allows you to blend the benefits of caput-heavy/-light rackets while masking the drawbacks. It allows you to attain precision in your shots while also giving yous a caste of power.

If you are a player who does non have a potent preference towards any detail play style, an even balanced racket would be a solid choice to support you in any situation you lot observe yourself in on the court. Additionally, for beginners starting to play badminton, an fifty-fifty counterbalanced dissonance can help y'all uncover your badminton play fashion. When you make the discovery on whether you are inclined to power-plays or speed-plays, you tin can switch to head-heavy or head-light rackets, respectively. The even balanced racket is sub-optimal for players looking for specialization, such as playing remarkably fast shots or supremely powerful smashes.

Pros: Capable of executing each shot well (though not uncommonly)
Cons: No specialization towards either defensive or offensive extremes
Recommended for: All around players, Beginners

Author'southward notation: Instead of purchasing or borrowing a racket with a unlike residue bespeak to try it out, at that place are home remedies that a thespian tin accept to modifying the balance of point of the racket. To make a racket more head-heavy, a histrion tin can add lead tape to the caput of the dissonance. Whereas to make a racket more head-lite, a role player can experiment with calculation unlike types of grips to the handle.


Per Badminton World Federation (BWF) guidelines, the weight of a badminton noise should not exceed 100g. Yonex'southward breakup is every bit follows:

Unit Weight
1U 95g – 99.9g
2U 90g – 94.9g
3U 85g – 89.9g
4U 80g – 84.9g
5U 75g – 79.9g
F 70g – 74.9g

Lighter weight rackets are easier to control and are more than accommodating towards improper form or technique. They allow for quicker recovery from shots and fluid execution of a variety of shots. Every bit such, lighter rackets are recommended for beginners.

Heavier rackets are able to generate bigger forcefulness at the cost of noise handling. As information technology takes more strength to movement the dissonance, it tin can exist an injury risk for players who are not equipped to use it properly. Beginners are not recommended to apply heavy rackets when starting their badminton journey.


The grip of a dissonance is measured by the circumference of the handle. Typically rackets are fabricated in G4 or G5 grip sizes. The tabular array below details the grips and their respective sizes.

Unit of measurement Grip Size
G1 iv in / 10.2 cm
G2 3.75 in / ix.5 cm
G3 3.5 in / viii.9 cm
G4 3.25 in / eight.3 cm
G5 3 in / 7.6 cm
G6 two.75 in / 7 cm

Smaller grips are recommended for players who bask keeping their opponents on their toes. They allow for a greater corporeality of racket manipulation and make information technology easier to brand last second deceptions.

Bigger grips permit players to deliver ability by using more of their arm rather than their finger and wrist force. Power players tend to grip the handle tighter, making a bigger grip the more than suitable pick.

If you are uncertain about the grip you should select, air on the side of a smaller grip. In that location is always the selection to add overgrips to increment the size of your current grip. Read the following post we wrote to determine the correct grip to complement your play style: The Consummate Guide to Yonex Badminton Grips.


The flex (curt for flexibility) of a dissonance refers to how stiff the shaft is. The stiffness of a dissonance's shaft influences the racket stroke and recovery time of a player and thus is an important betoken of consideration when choosing a racket. By definition, when a racket is stiff, information technology does not curve as far back as a flexible racket would during a swing. This property makes it then a stiffer dissonance will return faster to its base position than a less stiff racket would (with all else being equal), giving the player a smaller fourth dimension period to exert force onto the shuttlecock.

There is an excellent caption of it in this forum post. While a stiffer noise recovers faster than a more flexible racket because of the decreased vibrations subsequently a striking, it is more difficult to fourth dimension shots. Flexible rackets are more lenient towards slower shuttle strikes merely increases recovery time. This means that a player should utilise a stiffer dissonance if he/she can generate sufficient power very quickly and a more flexible racket if he/she takes more than time to generate ability.

Yonex categorizes its rackets into 4 levels of stiffness: extra stiff, stiff, medium, and how-do-you-do-flex. As a beginner, we would recommend medium or hi-flex rackets since information technology is difficult for beginners to take reward of the extra strong or stiff properties. Seasoned players tend to use stiff and actress potent rackets but in that location are certainly exceptions where they still prefer flexible rackets.

Nanoray Products

The Nanoray series is an all caput-light racket series, that is known for its lightning speed. Several new designs and technologies have made it possible to achieve such amazing speed for the Nanoray rackets. While information technology is important to note that the following features are not present in each of the Nanoray rackets, readers should learn which features will add to their game play:

  1. Snap Back Zone (SBZ)
  3. ISOMETRIC frame design
  4. Aero frame

Starting with the Snap Back Zone (SBZ), these rackets have a thicker and stiffer upper and lower ends of the frame. The middle of the frame is thinner and is created with an elastic and powerful textile that causes the racket to flex when it comes in contact with the shuttle. After flexing, the noise snaps back to its original state where the frame folds over the shuttle and ship the shuttle back to the opponents' end of the court at a steeper down angle.

Next, the X-FULLERENE feature falls within Yonex's NANOSCIENCE every bit a material used inside a racket's binding that results in increased repulsion power and stability. The ultra sparse shaft of Nanoray rackets is made with ultra PEF (ultra poly ethylene fibre) which acts to absorb the stupor created when striking the shuttle. This allows the player to get a better feel for the dissonance resulting in better command and racket treatment of their Nanoray.

Moving along, an ISOMETRIC frame design aims to keep the length of the horizontal and vertical strings similar, which expands the sugariness shot of the racket. This quality gives players a lenient margin to hit not bad shots if they aren't consistent in hitting the sweet shot with a standard racket.

And finally, the scientific discipline behind the Aero frame aims to cut air resistance, therefore accelerating the racket'southward swing speed. The Nanoray noise series allows players to strategically control the step of the rally and keep their opponents on their toes through its speedy competitive reward.

Requite Nanoray a attempt and run across for yourself how speed should not be underestimated equally a tool for victory!

Category Recommended Product(due south)
Writer'due south Pick Nanoray Z-Speed Acquire More
All-time Value Nanoray Speed Acquire More
Best for Beginner Players Nanoray 10F Acquire More
Best for Intermediate Players Nanoray 750 Acquire More than
Best for Advanced Players Nanoray 900 Learn More

Nanoray 10F

The Nanoray 10F is one of two Nanoray rackets designed with beginners in mind (the other existence the Nanoray xx). It is quite calorie-free at 83g and is even balanced – making it like shooting fish in a barrel to move around and control. Cracking equally a starting racket if you're looking to have fast racket handling skills in the hereafter.

Level Recommendation Beginner
Residue Even Counterbalanced
Flex Hullo-FLEX
Weight/Grip 4U (83g) G5
Cost $
Amazon Black/Blue | Pink | Xanthous
Yumo Pro Store Black/Blueish | Pink | Yellow

Nanoray xx

The Nanoray twenty is the second (and last) of the Nanoray rackets designed for beginners. In contrast with the Nanoray 10F, it is a bit heavier at 88g but it is head-light instead of fifty-fifty balanced. This gives the Nanoray 20 a heavier experience but with similar properties of the Nanoray 10F as nigh of the weight is concentrated at the base of the racket. Also a great starting racket to build fast noise treatment skills.

Level Recommendation Beginner
Balance Head-Light
Weight/Grip 3U (88g) G4
Toll $
Amazon Black/Cherry-red | Blackness/Yellow | Silver/Orange | Ruddy | Blue/White | Silver | Blue
Yumo Pro Shop Black/Blue

Nanoray GlanZ

The Nanoray GlanZ is a unique racket that has a larger racket head, which provides a larger sweet spot for its user. The loftier repulsion provided by the aerodynamic pattern of the tiptop of the frame makes immigration seem effortless. The backhand clear, a shot that many players struggle with, is as well made simpler past this racket. Being head-lite and easy to handle, this racket can hold its ain in quick drive exchanges confronting your opponents.

Level Recommendation Intermediate
Residue Head-Light
Weight/Grip 4U (83g) G4,5,6
Cost $$$
Amazon Turquoise
Yumo Pro Shop Turquoise

Nanoray 750

The Nanoray 750 delivers uncommonly fast swings. Given its calorie-free weight as a 4U (83g) dissonance, players can expect great mobility in controlling and handling the dissonance. This allows for strong play at the net, while also giving players an edge with dropping from the dorsum. Nanoray 750'southward frame design makes it so that power is not traded-off by its calorie-free weight. The Nanoray 750 would exist a bang-up choice for players who might fatigue while using a heavier noise.

Level Recommendation Intermediate
Rest Head-Light
Flex Medium
Weight/Grip 4U (83g) G4
Cost $$
Amazon White
Yumo Pro Shop Crystal Blueish

Nanoray Speed

All-time value. The Nanoray Speed is the intermediate level version of the Nanoray Z-Speed. Aligned with the Nanoray series and staying true to its proper noun, the Nanoray Speed thrives in speed every bit its able to generate fast and controlled swings. Despite its smaller frame, the racket amplifies its sweet spot, giving more than room for players to brand mistakes. Since it's a toned downwardly version of the Nanoray Z-Speed, players should expect it to accept slightly worse quality to friction match its lower toll point.

Level Recommendation Intermediate
Balance Fifty-fifty Balanced
Flex Stiff
Weight/Grip 3U (88g) G4
Toll $$
Amazon Yellow | Nighttime Greyness
Yumo Pro Shop Dark Grey

Nanoray 200 Aero

The Nanoray 200 Aero is a dissonance geared towards avant-garde players. The Aero Frame enhances the speed of the swing while maintaining loftier racket control to deliver precise shots. The Aero Fin blueprint of the frame has a thinner frame at the top, assuasive the racket to motility quickly, while the thicker bottom boosts its repulsion power. Players looking to ready the step of a rally and move their opponents around the court would do well to consider the Nanoray 200 Aero.

Level Recommendation Advanced
Balance Head-Calorie-free
Flex Potent
Weight/Grip 3U (88g) G4,five
4U (83g) G4,five
Cost $$
Amazon White | White/Cherry-red
Yumo Pro Store White

Nanoray 900

The Nanoray 900 is one of the three rackets in the Nanoray series geared towards advanced players. Those who have been around the badminton scene can equate this to the replacement for the Nanospeed 9900. The Nanoray 900 made its debut in 2013 when former world #1 Men's Doubles Pair Hendra Setiawan and Mohammad Ahsan used information technology in the All England Open. This dissonance's 10 cistron is its ability to deliver potent and fast drives, cementing the racket's nickname as "Rex of Drives". The shuttle bounces off the string bed as presently as it makes contact. This dissonance is nifty for those who play a defensive game or prefers doubles matches. Yet, its strong shaft provides minimal flex when swinging, which forces players to rely on their own strength to generate power in their shots. This is the principal reason why the Nanoray 900 is not recommended for beginners, as information technology does non provide assistance towards a histrion's nail.

Level Recommendation Advanced
Balance Fifty-fifty Balanced
Flex Potent
Weight/Grip 3U (88g) G4
Toll $$$
Amazon Navy Blue
Badminton Bay Navy Blue

Nanoray Z-Speed

Author's pick. The Nanoray Z-Speed is known for its unparalleled speed. This racket was used by Malaysian professional person shuttler Tan Boon Heong to set the Guinness World Tape for the Fastest Badminton Hit exterior of competition at 493 km/h (303 mph)! With an actress thin shaft and smaller caput shape, the racket'due south aerodynamics let for splendid head acceleration to deliver insane smashes without the burden typically associated with head-heavy rackets. At the same time, the Nanoray Z-Speed is responsive in apartment bulldoze exchanges, crisp in control, and speedy at the net. Due to its smaller head and potent shaft, information technology is not recommended for beginners.

Level Recommendation Advanced
Balance Fifty-fifty Balanced
Flex Extra Stiff
Weight/Grip 2U (93g) G4,five
3U (88g) G4,five
Toll $$
Amazon Neon Yellowish
Badminton Bay Neon Yellow
Yumo Pro Store Neon Yellow


Dissonance Level Recommendation Rest Flex Weight/Grip Cost
Nanoray 10F Beginner Even Counterbalanced Hi-FLEX 4U (83g) G5 $
Nanoray xx Beginner Head-Light Hullo-FLEX 3U (88g) G4 $
Nanoray GlanZ Intermediate Head-Light HI-FLEX 4U (83g) G4,5,6 $$$
Nanoray 750 Intermediate Head-Light Medium 4U (83g) G4 $$
Nanoray Speed Intermediate Even Balanced Stiff 3U (88g) G4 $$
Nanoray 200 Aero Advanced Caput-Calorie-free Stiff 3U (88g) G4,five
4U (83g) G4,5
Nanoray 900 Advanced Fifty-fifty Balanced Stiff 3U (88g) G4 $$$
Nanoray Z-Speed Advanced Even Counterbalanced Extra Stiff 2U (93g) G4,5
3U (88g) G4,5

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yonex nanoray 20 badminton racket set

Posted by: petersspee1978.blogspot.com

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